Thursday, January 19, 2012


Beautiful and soft, white a pure. Not exactly what comes to mind when living in Iowa during a snow storm. However, after taking a second glance at snow, I think we can all learn a little something from these frozen water crystals.

It comes down quietly, sometimes when we least expect it. Catching us off guard, throwing off our daily routine. We react in many different ways. Some buy copious amounts of water and beef jerky for fear of being "snowed in". Others slip and slide there way to work trying to set an all time speed record for "how fast can I put my Mazda in the ditch". If this isn't your first winter in Iowa then you have no excuse. Snow in Iowa is like death and taxes. This blog isn't so much about what snow is... but how much it's like another "s" word in our lives.

It creeps in quietly, most times when you least expect it. Catching you at your weakest moment. Throwing you off your moral course. With something so simple as a little white lie, foul language or dirty joke. It piles up slowly and secretly. Until we look through the window into our souls (or back yard if we are still talking about snow) to see piles and piles of it. I'll use the word sin, because it best describes what I'm trying to say. If you are not a Christian, look at it as "morals" or lack there of. I see it everyday, with good people, moral people. Sliding down a slippery slope of sin and taking everyone around them with! The car of life lost its moral compass and is in a flat spin down the icy highway. Make no mistake, there are children, friends, family members who are watching and learning from your example. What do you do? How do you stop? 

First, recognize that there is "snow" in your life that could use some good old shoveling. Then lay down your pride and ask a neighbor for help. (I would suggest bringing cookies with you.) We all need to remember we are not in this alone. You are not alone... Though it may seem that the only thing showing at your house is the tip of the chimney. I promise, there are plenty of shovels...I'm holding one, and I know someone who has a snow blower and some ice-melt. 

God Bless

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