Saturday, January 21, 2012


It never fails. Walking down the sidewalk of a busy street, minding your own business when you realize you just stepped in someones already been chewed gum. Dragging your foot along the concrete in a circle like a dog looking for a place to poop, you start muttering all the things you would do to the person who left this little deposit for you to find. The gum works its way deep into the waffle of your shoe tread. So you sit down on a bench and use a stick to slowly pry out the unwanted sticky substance. The entire time you wonder how someone could be so careless, inconsiderate, and rude. Not to mention lazy! I mean, there's a garbage can every 50 feet. Well, you finally get all the watermelon scented gunk off your shoe and your back moving again. What a pain...but wait, Maybe we can learn from this as well.

Have you ever dis-guarded your unwanted waste into the path of someone else? Has it ever happened where something you said, or wrote, stuck to someones heart like gum to a shoe. When we spit fire from our lips without any regard to where it lands someone gets burned. When we spit gum from our mouths make sure its in the proper place (or just swallow it). It's better it takes 7 yrs for you to digest it than for your poison to infect others. Think about how you felt that day you stepped in that gum. And that was just a couple minutes of your time to get cleaned up. When we spread hate, or trash talk, or speak untruths about others, it sticks a lot longer (and it's harder to remove).

Some times if we choose to dispose of the "gum" in the right place, and maybe not chew on it for such a long time. We find that our jaws aren't as tired and others shoes aren't so sticky...


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