Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Calling

One thing I've notice about the human condition is the constant pursuit of reaffirmation. The overwhelming urge to fit into a square or round hole with our triangle peg. The "calling" is a strange thing. The calling is what we are meant to do with our lives. We sometimes wander from career to job and back until we find it, if we ever do. I think the calling is a bit misleading.

As Jeff ties his laces, he stands and stares into the mirror. Today is the big day, the corporate office will be holding a meeting over his department and he is in charge of the presentation. The silk tie feels colder than normal in the dim lit bathroom. Jeff forces a smile as he practices his opening speech. Just as he was wrapping up the first sentence he stopped. Looking at himself in the mirror of the large bathroom in his 5 bedroom house. The joy was gone, the gaping hole inside was apparent and at that moment he knew there was more to life than this. His whole life was dedicated to getting ahead, to pushing to the next level. He focused on being the best throughout high school, college, and now in his professional life. The funny thing is, he had succeeded. He was the top of his class in both college and high school, he was now the manager of one of the biggest departments in a fortune 500 company. He was good at what he did, he was the best. So why did he feel this way? Where was his joy?

Many times we are called to do something because we are good at it, or because it's easy. The process fell into our laps. We stumbled upon the opportunity and took it to the next level like Jeff did. Many times that road seem right for a long time. Until one day you find yourself looking in the mirror, sitting in your car, or staring at the wall in your office wondering if this is really where you should be. Sometimes we are called to do something that requires sacrifice, risk, and bravery. The truth is, neither is wrong.

Where ever you are today is where you are. There is no "calling". Getting tied up in what you think you are supposed to be doing or where you think you should be will distract you from where you are. You will be less likely to apply yourself and see all the blessings you have. Once you can be content with your life, and realize you are where you are because there is no predestined calling, then you can be happy. The society we live in mandates happiness but rarely references contentment. Without contentment, happiness will always elude you. Being content and being happy go hand in hand but you do not need the second to have the first. Be content, be thankful, and know that if you make the most of where you are, you'll find it's exactly where you need to be.

God Bless,

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